The Smart Thinking Podcast
Ted Neitzke brings you the ”The Smart Thinking Podcast.” Smart Thinking is for anyone and everyone -- because we are all leaders. Join us weekly for reflective activities and strategies to grow yourself and others. Ted shares his leadership expertise with simple to apply tools. You will grow in your ability to step into the storm’s life presents with energy and optimism. Just like the 🦬!

Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Episode 19: A buffalo named Auggie
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Leaders are always on the look out for opportunities to find buffalos and emulate their behavior, learn from their choices, and observe them in their natural settings. We ourselves gain courage from seeing others take a risk or doing something different. Join us for an episode where we explore how the main character from the book WONDER can inspire us all to be a little more buffalo.
When faced with an uncomfortable situation what will you do different this week?
Take sometime to think through the situations you may face this week and reflect upon your response.
Describe the characteristics of others with courage.
If you are in the triangle of conflict – can you think empathetically for the person who needs your help and take that first ride on the road to courage for others?
See Sharon’s story at:

Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Episode 18: The Kid Doctor- a conversation with a Dan Hagerman
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
This episode is a conversation with Dr. Dan Hagerman. We learn about his education and how he formed his thinking around many of the issues facing parents and children today. We discuss everything from peanut allergies to autism, ADHD to picky eaters as well as why he believes things are a little bit the same and different for today’s children and parents.
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Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Episode 17: Thanksgiving: Giving your gift --- a gift
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
How do we take the tradition of Thanksgiving and shift it a little to increase the true nature of giving thanks? Join me for a discussion on how to make sure that those around you recognize what it is they’ve done for you.
Reflect on who you will be around this thanksgiving. What have each of them taught you?
Once you identify the learning from those in the room—how can you quickly articulate the gift they’ve given you?
Can you make this year different for yourself and others by bringing to light how thankful you are for the gift they’ve given you?
Giving Tuesday – help me help others:

Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Episode 16: Thinking about thinking
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
This episode explores thinking and more specifically – divergent thinking. When did all the creativity and ability for adults to come up with bold new ideas slow down or even stop? We explore the need for adults to stop interfering in the creativity of children and work together through collaboration to be divergent in our thinking.
As a parent, teacher, leader – how can you promote divergent thinking?
If you’re in a leadership position, how can you promote divergent thinking by allowing people to figure out how to do what needs to be done instead of telling them and disengaging them in the process?
Twitter @tneitzke

Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Episode 15: A conversation with State Superintendent Tony Evers
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Episode 15 is a conversation with Wisconsin State Superintendent Tony Evers. We discuss everything from his days growing up on the grounds of a hospital, to making cheese and the current state of public education in Wisconsin and the nation. Join us for a great discussion around educational practices and the future of learning. This episode was recorded in the summer of 2017 in Madison, Wisconsin.

Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Episode 14: Choices v. Decisions
Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Episode 14 asks you to reflect on your mission and describes the difference between choices and decisions. The distinction is great and we need to know the difference. So take a listen and be prepared to write your mission.
Using three terms – answer this question – why do you exist?
How can you use this process to support the leadership others?
How can you use this process in all areas of your life to advance yourself and others?
What is the difference between choices and decisions?

Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Episode 13: Where did all the fun go?
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Fun – why is it such a big deal when something turns out to be fun? Why is it when people tell you “it’s going to be fun” so many of us sigh? Life should be purposeful. Life should be engaging. Life should have deep meaning.
Should'nt life also be fun?
Did you know that the oldest recorded joke is from around 1600 BC and is a Sumerian fart joke? Why is being fun or funny viewed as a lack of seriousness?
In a world where everyone looks at a screen in their hand to capture a moment in which they are living—what can be done to capture that moment in a non-electronic way and make it fun?
If you are not having fun – who are you dragging down with you? As you approach your week – how can you turn the normal into the abnormal experience and make it memorable and fun?
Finally, how can you reinforce those in your life that are fun so that they know you enjoy what they do for you and how can you pay that forward to others?

Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Episode 12: "Point A" The mindset of a four time cancer conqueror
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Today’s podcast is one of our bi-weekly interview episodes. Today’s guest is Jim Brindley. Jim beat three types of cancer -- four times. Listen as he discusses and describes his journey and shares a great mindest for all of us to learn from.
How can you reframe your life and find greater appreciation for all you have?
When faced with your next challenge how can you take Jim’s point A mindset and make a more fulfilling life for yourself.
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Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Episode 11: A Momentous Moment
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Today’s podcast is about you reflecting on your history and what influenced you to love --what you love and who fueled that passion. The episode is also a tribute to one of the people in my life that sent me in a new direction.
As a friend, parent, teacher, or leader -- how do you live your life, so that you can model for others, your passions and potentially seed them within someone else?
How can you take what is the ordinary and make it extraordinary – PowerPoint’s, interactions, assignments, a sales pitch, your lesson plans, or even a simple conversation?
In the next few days how can you demonstrate your passions so that others become passionate?

Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Episode 10: Perception v. Reality - Managing your mind for change
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Episode 10 investigates how you approach change and your perception when faced with a “new normal.” Leadership, on all levels, is about looking at the changes around us and seeking the why. Driving your mind to understanding the change and working within the new reality is a core skill of leaders. Victims cast blame while leaders cast solutions.
When faced with the reality of change, how will you approach it? Will you look at it the same way you always have or will you change your perception?
As a leader, teacher, or parent, how can you support others when they are confronted with change? Will you simply tell them to deal with it or will you show them a new way to look at it?
Reflect on your own attitude when faced with change. How do you model the acceptance off the shift in your reality? Do you look at the reason for change or do you try to justify not changing?
Finally, when you create change in the lives of others – how can you demonstrate “what is in it for them” so that they can help their own brain and heart accept the new reality.
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