The Smart Thinking Podcast
Ted Neitzke brings you the ”The Smart Thinking Podcast.” Smart Thinking is for anyone and everyone -- because we are all leaders. Join us weekly for reflective activities and strategies to grow yourself and others. Ted shares his leadership expertise with simple to apply tools. You will grow in your ability to step into the storm’s life presents with energy and optimism. Just like the 🦬!

Sunday Sep 15, 2024
Episode 313: Be a Sage with IMPACT (Process and Leadership)
Sunday Sep 15, 2024
Sunday Sep 15, 2024
Are you wise enough to be a Sage? YES! This week join us as we discuss the IMPACT our words can have on others as Ted reviews the people who've impacted him and how we can all grow from those around us. Listen to the very end..... for some really sage advice.
Here are the 180 degree cards for purchase:
List the sages in your life
Describe your ability to support others with your collected wisdom
List who needs you to step into their storm with IMPACT?

Sunday Sep 08, 2024
Episode 312: Celebrate Failure (Process and Leadership)
Sunday Sep 08, 2024
Sunday Sep 08, 2024
How well do you celebrate failure? In this episode, Ted discusses how we can all learn from slime mold to get ourselves into a routine of never losing and instead, always learning.
The road to excellence has no destination and is filled with failures. To keep moving forward - we have to celebrate all the learning! We're never losing -- we're always learning.
Describe where you can apply slime mold strategies.
List where this process would be helpful in increasing risk.
Describe a recent failure that should be celebrated.

Monday Sep 02, 2024
Episode 311: Include All Ideas Using "And" (Process and Leadership Tools)
Monday Sep 02, 2024
Monday Sep 02, 2024
Join Ted as he discusses the importance of having a process that allows for people to contribute instead of simply complaining. The tool and mindset are simple- operate in “AND” mode not “BUT” mode. This episode has a bonus process tool using wisdom and conjunctions to create a great cultural reflection process (this is what happens when Ted has an idea while recording).
List where this process would benefit the most
Describe your ability to move from “yeah but” to “and”
List the people who would go noticed if you employed processes like this.
Song: Brad & Kate- Flame

Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Episode 310: They're All Olympians (Process & Tool)
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Behind every Olympian is a story. Listen as Ted breaks down how to become fans of all of those you serve. Every child, colleague, friend and loved one has a complicated story and it is always unique. What if we had a way to learn that story? It would be like when we watch the Olympics and learn the Olympians "whole" story and suddenly we become that persons fan.
Describe your biggest fan
List the people in your life that will need a fan
List who you can interview in order to understand their story

Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Welcome to Season 7!
On this episode Ted shares a process to help you preplan for the unexpected. Ted describes the behaviors needed to have an engaged group of leaders and talks about an accident where he observed random buffalo leaders charge into a WAHBL situation. Listen as he discusses the best of the buffaloes -- a 3rd grade teacher who was everything to everyone at this accident scene.
Burning cars, buffaloes, and process!
Describe who in your life is always willing to run to the storm.
List the behaviors of the people who run to the storm.
Describe what you can do different in order to grow your courage to charge.

Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Episode 308: Reviewing Your Strategic Life Plan (Process Tool & Leadership)
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
In this episode Ted shares the importance of doing a personal strategic review in the summer by utilizing process and taking clarity breaks. Too often we are not taking time to reflect on what works, what needs iteration and what we need to stop doing in our lives. Take a listen as he shares a simple and tested process to support you growing forward.
List when you will take clarity breaks.
Describe who can run your strategic plan out with you.
Describe where you will build your plan?

Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Episode 307: Forces for Change (Tools)
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Too often in summer or between projects we employ retreats to look at results and we create a bunch of documents that rarely get deployed. This usually occurs because people are using lagging data and negotiating on what the culture will allow.
This episode will help frame the need for cultural languages and tools to ensure that what we want to stick - -stays stuck and works. Organizations create binders of steps and yet they fail to start with an evaluation of the organization to measure for capacity, desire, or the skills to employ the changes. No longer!
Describe your change process.
List the tools you can use to empower those you serve.
Describe where the opportunities are to use processes to support lasting change.

Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Ted is sharing books that he believes must be read this summer to help us all grow as leaders. Especially, those that serve children or have children. The curated list of texts are meant to be read in order to help each of us grow. There is a growing crisis on how children are learning and behaving, and these books will help you help the children in your life. Take a listen as Ted shares seven books – in order – that you need to read this summer.
Psych, The Story of the Human Mind: Paul Bloom
Radical Respect, How to Work Together Better: Kim Scott
Hidden Potential: Adam Grant
Meditations: Marcus Aurelius
The Anxious Generation, How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness: Jonathan Haidt
The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma: Bessel Van Der Kolk
Bryson the Brave Bison: Davenport, Freshwater, and Cowdrey

Monday May 27, 2024
Episode 305: Do you EnJOY? (Reflection and Process)
Monday May 27, 2024
Monday May 27, 2024
When the seasons change, it provides us the opportunity to seek improvement through process. Take a listen as Ted describes a process to help you find the joy in your life. We choose to enJOY our work and there are two hungers we have to feed- ourselves and our passions.
Describe what your passions are.
List the people who could be coached to reflect upon their passions.
List who you trust to guide you through a reflective process.
Describe how you can increase your own ability to be engaged and self-empowered.

Sunday May 19, 2024
Episode 304: You Want Stronger Readers? (Leadership & Process)
Sunday May 19, 2024
Sunday May 19, 2024
How do we get more children and adults to read? Take a listen as Ted shares a strategy for increasing the amount of children reading. It all boils down to one key idea -- if we want children to read - -the adults have to read!
List who you should read with.
Describe the books you like to read verses the books others like to read. .
List the books you'd like to read with others.