The Smart Thinking Podcast
Ted Neitzke brings you the ”The Smart Thinking Podcast.” Smart Thinking is for anyone and everyone -- because we are all leaders. Join us weekly for reflective activities and strategies to grow yourself and others. Ted shares his leadership expertise with simple to apply tools. You will grow in your ability to step into the storm’s life presents with energy and optimism. Just like the 🦬!

Monday Dec 30, 2019
Episode 120: Purposeful Resolution (Reflection)
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
I'll give you a resolution -- find your purpose. Stop trying to change your life every year on December 31st at midnight -- instead, focus on your purpose! Join me for the real meaning of Auld Lang Syne and think about your purpose!
What is your purpose?

Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Episode 119: Believe! (Leadership and Reflection)
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Join us this week to review the ten(or so) core beliefs of optimistic leaders. How are you influencing those you serve and what do you believe about yourself and others?
Describe beliefs about yourself that need to be challenged.
List strategies that you can employ to grow others belief in themselves.
List your beliefs.

Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Episode 118: Ring the BELL! (Leadership & Reflection)
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
How much energy do you bring to the world? This episode explores how ringing the bell can make a huge difference in the lives of those you serve. Hear how a mother and her daughters sparked me to action!
Describe how you can support others with their energy
List ways you can create more connections between those you serve and the mission
Describe how you can demonstrate the impact of others on the outcomes.

Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Episode 117: Judge Good & Do Good (Leadership & Tool)
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
“When you judge others you don’t define them, you define yourself.” Take a listen to the four strategies to employ so that you become a Judge Good'r (yeah it is a thing).
Describe your strategy for minimizing self-judgement.
List ways you can maintain a healthy level of curiosity about others.
Describe how you can depersonalize the judgments you trap yourself in.

Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Episode 116: Give and Thanks (Leadership Activity)
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Take a listen to this discussion and activity around give and thank. Too often people want to give and take. Giving is not a receipt of services rendered, it is a ticket to a better future.
Describe your mindset when you give.
List strategies for reflecting upon what you have.
Describe how you can foster a greater give and thanks culture for those you love and serve.

Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Episode 115: Skill v. Will (Leadership & Tool)
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
No one actually wants to be unsuccessful: however, sometimes they are and it is not clear why. Take a listen and apply this simple process to help you support others.
Describe your willingness to address individuals with skill or will deficits.
List strategies you can employ to support those with deficits.
Describe your strategy to build your own skill or will.

Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Episode 114: Engaging the Issue (Leadership & Tools)
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
In this episode we explore processes for increasing perspective. There are two easy to use tools that can significantly increase your likelihood of success.
Detail your process for reviewing an issue.
Describe your willingness to engage others in addressing your issue.
List others that can offer you a new perspective on your issues

Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Episode 113: Between the 7’s (Challenge)
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
We need to address the impact technology is having on our wellbeing. This episode is a challenge to create systems to protect us from all the systems that provide us connectedness.
List how much time you spend on your devices.
Describe how you feel when you know there are posts, emails, and texts waiting for you
Create a process to protect those you serve from 168 hours of access per week – I dare you!

Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
We are living on borrowed time – so let’s make the most of it. Take a listen to hear a unique mindset and learn a process to increase moments of lift in your organization!
Describe a process you can employ to increase engagement.
List your anchors and identify the behaviors you need to live by to create lift for yourself.
Reflect for a little while about who in our life taught you to be optimistic.

Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Episode 111: G.R.I.T. Principle (Leadership and Reflection)
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Take a listen as we break down G.R.I.T. --- gusto, resilience, integrity and tenacity.
Describe one behavior from the grit principle that you need to strengthen.
List your strategies to support the growth of grit in others.
Analyze your own behaviors – how would you scale your gusto, resilience, integrity, and tenacity when viewing your most recent challenge.